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Conversation Between popgun pete and memosub
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. popgun pete
    01-17-2019 12:49 AM
    popgun pete
    Hi Memo, long time since we communicated in the Rollergun Group, I think it was when I was working on the Wiggler rollergun, although back then it never had a name. My email used to be pjcontax@iprimus.com and it still is going, but now I use pjcontax@gmail.com. Looking forward to the photos!

    Regards, Pete
  2. memosub
    01-17-2019 12:25 AM
    Hi Pete, how are you? I am Memo, from Santa Marta, colombia, Aka Memosub, i am manufacturing a water ballasted gun, if you want some pictures , please send me your E mail see the results on Eriok Baņados: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=3&theater, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=3&theater ,

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