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Conversation Between miguelitro and MAKO Spearguns
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. MAKO Spearguns
    06-27-2011 08:11 AM
    MAKO Spearguns
    Hey Mike,
    I see you are in SD. It is a bit too early for me to call you right now. I will try calling you in about an hour (7:00 a.m. your time). thanks,
  2. MAKO Spearguns
    06-27-2011 08:09 AM
    MAKO Spearguns
    Hey Mike,
    Dano here. How are you? I hope all is well. Your PM was just forwarded to me. Please don't worry. I will definitely get you taken care of. It is 9:10 est right now. I am in my office. Please give me a call when you get a chance and we will make the necessary arrangements. Thanks, Dano

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