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Conversation Between miguelitro and cboyle88
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. cboyle88
    02-23-2014 12:47 PM
    Awesome, im here for a month so im sure i could figure out a way to get down your way. Looking into renting a motorbike at the moment. Going out scuba diving tomorrow but really itching to spear. Last time i was out was in jersey with near 0 viz and all undersize fish. Ill say in touch if ya get up this way and need a place to crash gimme a shout got an extra bedroom in our house.
  2. miguelitro
    02-23-2014 08:47 AM
    There can be really good spearing off the point as long as there is not much swell. There are a few divers there in Montanita including one from the EC free dive team. I cannot remember his name though. Isla salango to your north is good for snapper and grouper. I am just an hour or so south of you.
  3. cboyle88
    02-22-2014 06:08 PM
    Hey i was wondering if you had any luck in Montanita finding a place to spear. Been traveling through south america for the past 2 months. Got a house in Montanita for a month. Don't have a gun or fins so would need to find an operation or person that coukd rent them. Thanks for your time. -Cullen

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