Conversation Between dive4bugz and gcracker89
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
Man I just spent 10 minutes typing on spearboard and lost it all. I hate when that happens
Here we go as a ref # I will start with a tank # and then a couple I think are culverts. Turtle ledge is to the N or NW of PASCO 2
Tank 28 17 709 83 01 053
Culvert 28 17 874 83 01 100
28 17 855 83 01 037
28 17 923 83 01 110
Turtle ledge are This ledge runs North and south more or less the sand side is on the East side and runs about 35’ The ledge side is to the West and runs about 30’ depending on the tide condition seems like the current runs to the North. The vis is better on natural bottom opposed to the artificial bottom.
28 17 338 83 01 554
28 18 331 83 01 462
28 18 826 83 01 515
A little East of those #
28 18 164 83 00 672
28 18 567 83 00 844
28 18 688 83 00 714