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Conversation Between spearVibes and quattroluvr
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. spearVibes
    07-22-2014 03:55 PM
    Hey haven't been on in a while and just saw your pm. Sorry I missed it. If you head back this way let me know I'll pm you my phone number
  2. quattroluvr
    06-25-2014 01:22 AM
    This is Leigh aka "Quattroluvr", and an Oregon spearo. You were very thoughtful on some answers to some posted questions I had a few months ago. Am coming down to SD to visit family again,, and looking for buddy for kelp hunting on Friday, 6/27 especially. Monday and Tues are also potentials. Boat would be awesome but I can rent a kayak as needed.
    Last visit I shore dived with Anthony and young Jack.

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