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Conversation Between CCR Josh and kiddro2003
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. CCR Josh
    01-19-2013 01:39 PM
    CCR Josh
    For more info on a private FII course, shoot me an email at: josh@diveaddicts.com

  2. kiddro2003
    12-13-2012 09:18 PM
    Josh just out of curiosity what would a private class cost?
  3. CCR Josh
    06-05-2012 02:24 PM
    CCR Josh
    First class went great!

    Done a couple private courses for people, and now just getting ready for the next group course in a couple of weeks.
  4. kiddro2003
    05-26-2012 01:58 PM
    How did your first class go?

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