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Conversation Between GatorNative and eQuipMatt
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. GatorNative
    07-04-2014 10:37 AM
    Hey, Matt
    What's up? You guys still tearin' up the lionfish?
  2. eQuipMatt
    07-18-2013 04:55 PM
    same for leaving early tomorrow morning give me a call 561-346-5981
  3. GatorNative
    07-18-2013 04:37 PM
    Are you going out tomorrow (Friday)??
    I plan to head back on Saturday.
  4. eQuipMatt
    07-17-2013 06:18 PM
    Any chance your staying in town thru the BBO Tourney? We need another diver
  5. GatorNative
    07-15-2013 06:15 PM
    Are you going out this week or is everybody saving up for the BBO?
  6. GatorNative
    06-29-2013 10:42 AM
    Hi EquipMatt. Thanks for the invite. I'll be in Delray July 7 thru 19. Please keep me in mind.
  7. eQuipMatt
    06-28-2013 03:23 PM
    Are you in Florida? We could use another diver tomorrow?

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