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Conversation Between slingshaft and agbiv
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. agbiv
    06-11-2018 06:56 PM
    Hey! We have a new Granddaughter--Rosalind Marylee--3 weeks old. Our boys, Avre(10) and AJ(9) are learning to snorkel quite well. AJ wants to spearfish but he's not ready yet--maybe end of summer or next Spring. How are y'all?
  2. agbiv
    11-25-2014 07:47 PM
    Had to move to 11th due to work. two middle time slots.
  3. agbiv
    11-24-2014 09:23 PM
    Hey! Give me a line--I'm going to be in the San Marcos River tourney dec. 10th. Shooting tilapia and plecos.
  4. agbiv
    06-03-2014 03:11 PM
    Want to--the boat is ready. We are leaving for Fl end of July. If something breaks I''l sure let you know. I now have a Toyota Tacoma 4 dr so space isn't a problem. I'd really like to try Packary Channel and rigs out of there. I sold some "stuff" and got a Liquid Image camera mask--and I want to try it out. Same phone #'s??? Al +
  5. slingshaft
    06-03-2014 02:07 PM
    Hey Man, do you have any plans to fish at the Coast?

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