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Conversation Between slingshaft and AlexbeeintheUK
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. AlexbeeintheUK
    07-08-2016 10:52 AM
    Hey Kerry, yea we head out there regularly - once the swell drops
    Are you making t over to Barbados anytime soon?
  2. slingshaft
    06-28-2016 08:49 PM
    Hi Alex, do you still spearfish frequently? Have you hunted the East Coast yet?
  3. AlexbeeintheUK
    01-31-2013 01:22 AM
    Hey Kerry, yea i saw the profile a while back but dont seem to be able to reach him
  4. slingshaft
    01-24-2013 06:14 PM
    Hey Alex there is a spearo in Bridgetown named Bim Fisher, give him a shoutout,I know that he hunts the East Coast.
    Cheers. K.

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