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Conversation Between JoKeRs and Paul Benson
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Paul Benson
    06-18-2012 08:59 PM
    Paul Benson
    Awesome, do u live in Vernal?
  2. JoKeRs
    06-17-2012 10:54 PM
    I hit up the part near the dam. It was where the boat dock was before they moved it. I also swam over to the island. That is where I found a great deal of Largemouth Bass. It is also near the dropoff, where the wall is. This was a good place to chase some good size trout. As for the giant carp, there was five of them swimming around me. They were in the little cove that cuts back toward the parking lot.

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