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Conversation Between FEEL da STEEL-> and sailcrazy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. sailcrazy
    07-06-2009 04:56 PM
    ya i am prety in love with the koah just bcuz i feel its the ultimate east coast gun, its got the best of every gun that i have wanted to buy. i wanted a gun that shot a heavy shaft with a slip tip like my riffe 2x does but i wanted to punch thru any fish i want at 15ft and the ability to freeshaft which my riffe cant do. i didnt buy a wong like douge benz has or a bigger riffe bcuz i feel like they are just big expensive sticks and cant swing nearly as easily as my koah plus the koah even with the 3 heavy short bands i put on it has zero recoil and the enclosed track makes it shoot pin point perfect. i would highly recomend one to anyone who just wanted a lil more from ther gun without paying 800-1000 for a wong or deathstick. im definitly doing mini season but im gona be working how bout u? o and the gun only took him 2 weeks im sure if u ask though he can proly get 1 to u even quicker
  2. FEEL da STEEL->
    07-06-2009 03:06 PM
    FEEL da STEEL->
    Hey Matt whatzup.......you mentioned you just got one of those koa guns in one of your posts! It really sounded like you were in love with it! I've been using a rhino and its just too loud! How long did it take for him to make it for you?
    Are you gonna hit Mini-Season?

    Take care Bro.......and.......SHOOT M UP

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