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Conversation Between "Yard-Sale Josh" and SAINTrusher
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. "Yard-Sale Josh"
    10-15-2015 10:12 AM
    "Yard-Sale Josh"
    Hey buddy
    Yeah I still really like my Laser honestly. Very very hard to beat for the price, but if you have a bunch of money burning a hole in your pocket I love the raptor and oceanborn bleutec make.
  2. SAINTrusher
    10-15-2015 02:07 AM
    Yo josh,

    thinking about getting a 120 or 130 laser. right now my main gun is a 110 RA but 3-4 years old. saw your posts from the laser but that was 2 years ago. you still loving your 130 or have you seen anything else come out recently that you like more? do you use a reel with that gun or no?

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