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Conversation Between bluehunter30_06 and Jared44
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Jared44
    10-02-2011 09:47 PM
    Yo, how is the video library coming? I know you're short on time. Can I help. I want to see that Sheephead again. I'm dreaming about ledge monsters.....
  2. Jared44
    09-18-2011 01:40 PM
    So How was it the other day? You never called me back?!
  3. Jared44
    08-31-2011 09:23 PM
    Yo man look up captn ron and the dodd87

    http://spearboard.com/showthread.php?t=122435 I want to shoot a profile pic like that, in the kelp, but with a big ass fish, on a clear day maybe at the islands....

    Soooooooooooooooo next week?
  4. Jared44
    08-21-2011 10:49 AM
    And the video of that Black Sea Bass
  5. Jared44
    08-21-2011 10:49 AM
    Yo where are the pics from yesterday! I want see the video of the approach on that Calico!

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