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Conversation Between ca.harvester and Knoah15
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. ca.harvester
    12-07-2012 09:07 AM
    I'm not a liar so ill act how I feel on queerbored get over it... Eventually you'll realize people on here don't give a ****... So don't wate ur time messaging me again... Go shoot some barely legal halibut..
  2. Knoah15
    12-06-2012 09:05 PM
    Why do you have to be so judgmental of others posts. there is no reason to denigrate the noobs who are seeking information and sharing new experiences. You assume you know the best and that others are incorrect. Mind your own business, nobody gives two s**ts if you are a great diver, have friends with boats, or anything of that matter. All we care is that you respect others, and even if you cannot show the slightest hint of courtesy at least act like you do.

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