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Conversation Between aussie and SeaRanchAbLingr
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. aussie
    04-27-2012 02:39 AM
    "Hey, man. Dave said you were sending me some of that white hybrid line of his that you weren't using. That's really cool of you. I really appreciate it. Can I paypal you some postage?"

    I dropped it in the post last night. You should get it Monday. It's rad stuff. Hope you like it.
  2. SeaRanchAbLingr
    04-26-2012 10:26 PM
    Hey, man. Dave said you were sending me some of that white hybrid line of his that you weren't using. That's really cool of you. I really appreciate it. Can I paypal you some postage?


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