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Conversation Between aussie and GREENBEAN88
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. aussie
    03-19-2013 01:41 AM
    Hi Erik,

    It was great meeting you. I have the Nationals coming up in less than 3 weeks so I'm pretty busy getting ready for that. But if you'd like to hit me up on Facebook, we can get something going when I'm done.

    Tanc Sade.
    03-19-2013 01:13 AM
    Hey Aussie my name is Erik we talked briefly at the Fred Hall show in Long beach a week ago. We talked a little about me coming and doing some free diving training with the club you are apart of Im still very interested in doing that if you could send me some more info on that I would be stoked. I was also hoping you would be able to give me some knowledge about the diving in Limbri Australia. Me and my wife will be going there for over two weeks in november and all I can think about is getting in the water as much as I can. Any info you might have would mean a lot to me, thanks for your time and good luck with your up coming competition.


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