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Navanax Navanax is offline


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  1. Navanax
    03-03-2011 12:29 AM
    Sorry for the delay. I need to pay attention to the little box for messages. I get up to Whidbey pretty often. It would be cool to get some diving in. August is a great time to crab diving and I'd be up to find some new spots. Also maybe a drift dive through the Deception pass or similar. Drop me an email (collinskf@comcast.net) or call (425 750-6645) when you land and are ready to get organized. There's a couple of us around even though the spearing is so limited. Do you scuba as well?

  2. JDiaz
    02-28-2011 09:43 AM
    I didnt see that you have replied to my last message back in December, so apologies for hitting you up again, thanks for the response
  3. JDiaz
    02-24-2011 10:31 AM
    How is evrything going? My name is Joan by the way (am a guy though), and I'm moving to Whidbey Island in August (Navy), trying to meet some people in the sport, I never done it in such cold weather, but I'll be buying a wetsuit, definitely a 7mm, I come from Miami, that's where I do all my spearfishing (miami and Puerto Rico), anyways hopefully u can help me out, I wouldnt mind at all driving down to seattle and getting some fishing on with you, take care.

About Me

  • About Navanax
    Seattle, WA
  • Signature
    There is no such thing as bad weather. You either suffer from poor equipment or a bad attitude.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-28-2018 05:11 PM
  • Join Date: 01-13-2010


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