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skram skram is offline

Sam S. / Descent Apparel

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. seanhurd1980
    01-17-2017 09:02 PM
    If you take 120 for the suit I'll buy it
  2. skram
    08-22-2016 09:16 AM
    we went 3 for 5. biggest was 41lbs. Let a few smaller ones swim to see another day. I can get us on a boat over there for sure.
  3. Mighty KC
    08-21-2016 09:03 PM
    Mighty KC
    Cool. How big were the Cobia? Really want to try for Yellow Fin this fall. Let me know if you get a charter up for them, i would like to go. So would Cedric.

    Thanks, Keith
  4. Mighty KC
    08-21-2016 03:59 PM
    Mighty KC

    how far is clear water from fort morgan now? last time i went, vis was 10ft


  5. mesolithic
    05-31-2016 05:36 PM
    I saw your post about y'all training in gulf shores. Are y'all interested in having another person join? I live in Fairhope.
  6. Mighty KC
    06-27-2015 04:38 PM
    Mighty KC
    I am off the entire week after the 4th. Let me know if you or Mike want to go.

  7. Mighty KC
    03-01-2014 09:09 PM
    Mighty KC
    I found a go pro battery on the boat. I think it may be toast though, the terminals were badly corroded. I cleaned them, but have not put a meter on it to check voltage. I will get it back to you next time we go.
  8. robcnav284
    04-25-2011 09:43 PM
    hey any luck finding out shipping cost? just seeing what id need to get if i buy, how is band condition and do you know what size threads are on shaft thanks
  9. skram
    04-24-2011 10:24 AM
    its a 6ft 1 piece with a 12 in shaft w/single flopper. I will send pics later and check on shipping tomorrow. thanks
  10. robcnav284
    04-24-2011 10:15 AM
    hey is that just the spear or tips too? lemme know how much shipping is and if you could send picture i think you might have a deal thanks

About Me

  • About skram
    Gulf Coast AL.
    Surf, Fish, Spear, Camp, Photo, Video
    Photographer/Graphic Designer/Descent Apparel
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Make/Model of Boat
    Carolina skiff 23dlv
    Home Port
    Orange Beach AL.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-28-2023 01:59 PM
  • Join Date: 02-22-2008


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