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ca.harvester ca.harvester is offline

SCI Sand Dollar 2012

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 40
  1. ca.harvester
    11-01-2013 10:53 PM
    That's about as truthful as saying that you were careful with that gun
  2. Ethan kills
    11-01-2013 10:02 PM
    Ethan kills
    I promise you one day, someone will shut your stupid ass mouth up.
  3. Ethan kills
    10-31-2013 11:57 PM
    Ethan kills
    Haha last time I checked I had a pretty cool job and I lived in a house in oceanside by the beach where I can go dive anytime I want. Oh yeah thats right you like hoop-netting and fishing hook and line better. Thats why your lame ass won't even get in the water unless you are holding your boyfriend Bryant's hand the whole time. Lol
  4. Ethan kills
    10-31-2013 02:23 PM
    Ethan kills
    Maybe I can get my daddy to buy me boats and trucks and wongs. Then maybe I'll take better care of shit.
  5. Ethan kills
    10-31-2013 02:03 PM
    Ethan kills
    You are such a fag. That was probably you that posted that Craigslist add.
  6. Slip_Tip
    07-18-2013 12:47 AM
    are you the kid from that online chatroom the other night?
  7. fishy killa
    12-06-2012 10:06 PM
    fishy killa
    He's not a great diver and his boat sucks so whatever haha
  8. Knoah15
    12-06-2012 09:05 PM
    Why do you have to be so judgmental of others posts. there is no reason to denigrate the noobs who are seeking information and sharing new experiences. You assume you know the best and that others are incorrect. Mind your own business, nobody gives two s**ts if you are a great diver, have friends with boats, or anything of that matter. All we care is that you respect others, and even if you cannot show the slightest hint of courtesy at least act like you do.
  9. fishy killa
    12-05-2012 09:28 PM
    fishy killa
    you should check the gay mens section on craigslist. there are a couple of fat guys that look right down ur alley
  10. fishy killa
    11-20-2012 08:28 PM
    fishy killa
    Hey jack ass you so ugly it's scary maybe we could meet up and i could hit you with my ugly stick it probably wouldn't make it worse you suck at diving and live in fall break that kinda speaks for it self...

About Me

  • About ca.harvester
    spearfishing fishing anything with the ocean
    Make/Model of Boat
    20' baja bayrunner
  • Signature


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-09-2016 07:57 PM
  • Join Date: 03-06-2011


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