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seal77 seal77 is offline

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  1. seal77
    10-24-2017 12:48 PM
    Its a material from shoe industry
  2. gspearguns
    10-15-2017 06:45 AM
    Hi Kosta! Nice classic guns! I want to ask you where did you bought rubber for guns butt? It looks quite thick, maybe 10 mm?

  3. seal77
    12-22-2015 01:27 PM
    Hi,Derek,I ususlally make reels for the guns,exept the 130,becouse this one Is supposed to be used with breakaway for large spieces.You can see all pictures in my threads in Speardoard,I dont think I have better pictures than these
  4. Treemantwo
    12-22-2015 09:59 AM
    Hi Kosta: If you could send me pictures of your smaller and larger carbon guns that would be great ! Do they come with reels when you sell them ? At some point I will want a smaller gun in the 80cm +_ range and one in the 130cm range. Thanks ! Derek
  5. seal77
    10-03-2015 10:59 PM
    send me picture to see the muzzle please.if bands are set correctly there shouldnt be a problem
  6. Striper quest
    10-02-2015 08:02 AM
    Striper quest
    Seal. Hello. Just got one of your 115's via James from Australia (willstroo)
    After i anchor the bottom bands , I have a hell of a hard time getting the front
    Bands through the muzzle/rollers. It seems I have to pull the wishbones up and out,
    But can't hold the tension until I get the butt on my hip. Any suggestions, video ?
  7. bellidis
    06-19-2014 02:12 AM
    Thanks man!!!!
  8. seal77
    06-17-2014 12:40 AM
    Most important is the specific weight of the material.It must be arrownd 0.7g/sm3.If you use heavy wood close to water density,this can make the gun heavy.Especially if you want to use heavy spears,you need lighter wood
  9. bellidis
    06-04-2014 01:47 AM
    I just made my first wooden 86 ,2x16,115-6,5 saft,1400gr neto wood(old teak) and i have problems with the buoyancy(with metal parts, rell ...)
  10. bellidis
    06-04-2014 01:34 AM
    My respect artist!!! I haev something to ask!
    What s the reletion(ratio) between the weigth of teak wood ,or any other wood, and the weigth of the equipment of the gun


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  • Last Activity: 12-30-2017 02:42 PM
  • Join Date: 01-15-2014


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