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Ahmad Abbas Ahmad Abbas is offline

Senior Member

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  1. seabornguy
    04-23-2018 07:23 AM
    are you in Qatar ?
  2. chadmiha
    04-26-2013 04:41 AM
    Hey, I ordered some leader fins from you a couple years ago. The clips that secure them to the blade is long gone. Can I order more of these?
  3. Matty51
    07-09-2012 08:57 AM
    Sent as PM

    Thank you,

  4. nordiver
    04-02-2012 12:07 PM
    Hi Ahmad,

    I have the Leaderfins Carbon Black with Medium softness, and i feel like they are a bit soft for me, so just wondering how much it will be for a pair of Leaderfins Carbon Alga Softness: Hard and size 47-48.

    Love the fins, just feel like a bit more power sometimes. Might be able to get another pair of fins with my budget

    Thanks a lot for your help.

  5. nkb74
    01-30-2012 07:21 PM
    Hi ahmad, wanted to ask you a few questions about the stereofins wave carbon from leaderfins. do you think you can help me make the best choice or can you recommend something else.I'm hesitating between these and the Mack VI from pierre van-ecke.
  6. chadmiha
    05-22-2011 10:45 PM
    ok cool, can i pay you with paypal?
  7. chadmiha
    05-22-2011 02:18 PM
    Ok, is it best to just place the order on the site or with you?
  8. chadmiha
    05-20-2011 06:09 PM
    Hey looking for some info on the stereo carbons...how much for shipping to hawaii 96732, and about how long? Also, what foot pockets do you have on them? Thanks hope to hear from you soon.
  9. micstrong
    01-20-2011 12:19 AM
    Deleted. Sent as PM.


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  • Last Activity: 01-01-2016 04:58 AM
  • Join Date: 11-19-2010


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