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asianspearo asianspearo is offline


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  1. Pfish
    02-06-2021 12:43 PM
    Hey Asianspearo, just sent a text. Would be interested in seeing fins and masks tomorrow. I live in San Diego and will be up in OC to pick up a wetsuit. Thanks. Pat 760 473-8236
  2. asianspearo
    09-19-2012 11:00 PM
    Hi Kerry,

    I'm still in VN, but not for long: due to be back in O.C. this coming Sunday, 09/23/12. And yes, I do intend to visit those kelp beds. But first I'll have to bring my long-mothballed spearguns back to their serviceable selves, namely fresh power-bands. Also, I'll have to remember to buy me a 2012 fishing license, too. We don't want to vex our F&G friends, do we?
    Please let me know if there's a chance for us to meet over a beer and/or a dive. My home number is (714) 638-3367.

  3. slingshaft
    09-19-2012 11:24 AM
    ~~ Hey Di, are you in V.N.? or spearing the kelp beds of Cali?
  4. asianspearo
    03-02-2012 04:35 PM
    Hi Kerry,
    The gun in my avatar is a modified Australian gun--I've forgotten its name, I'm sorry. When I ordered it I din't know of their way of measuring speargun length, so the 100 gun I ordered turned out to be what we'd call a 75--way too short for my use in VN (picture in avatar was taken in Cam Ranh Bay). So I had a local gun-builder make me a 100 barrel that would fit that gun... So that's the story.

    Music: depending on my mood I might listen to classical-types such as Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, etc., but most of the time it's Oldies-but-goodies: Beatles, Elvis, ABBA, Beach Boys, etc., Latin-types such as Iglesias, and occasionally country-western types. Recently I "discovered " Dan Fogelbert with Sutter's Mill, and boy, I loved it!

    Hobbies: I have practiced Aikido for the past 20 some years and hold a 4th degree black belt (yes, I'm bragging... ). I teach it in VN when I'm there--for free and for fun.

    Ooops, Da Boss just called. Off to lunch I go--or else!

  5. slingshaft
    03-02-2012 11:37 AM
    ~~~> L.O.L.--- Lorena Bobbitt, - hide the 'effen' scissors!
    Yeah, I'm trying to get away from my wife, the children are grown, so there is not much left to enjoy. What kind of gun is in your Avatar picture? It looks like a Woody Elite.
    What type of music do you listen to 'nowadays' ?
    Do you have hobbies?
    Cheers, Kerry.

About Me

  • About asianspearo
    Been spearfishing since the early 60's but I'm still learning.
    OC, California & Nhatrang, Vietnam
    (1) Spearfishing (2) Reading (3) Martial arts (4) Music
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Make/Model of Boat
    None left (per wife's order)
    N/A for now...


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-01-2024 04:16 PM
  • Join Date: 07-22-2005


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