Hi Kerry,
The gun in my avatar is a modified Australian gun--I've forgotten its name, I'm sorry. When I ordered it I din't know of their way of measuring speargun length, so the 100 gun I ordered turned out to be what we'd call a 75--way too short for my use in VN (picture in avatar was taken in Cam Ranh Bay). So I had a local gun-builder make me a 100 barrel that would fit that gun... So that's the story.
Music: depending on my mood I might listen to classical-types such as Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, etc., but most of the time it's Oldies-but-goodies: Beatles, Elvis, ABBA, Beach Boys, etc., Latin-types such as Iglesias, and occasionally country-western types. Recently I "discovered " Dan Fogelbert with Sutter's Mill, and boy, I loved it!
Hobbies: I have practiced Aikido for the past 20 some years and hold a 4th degree black belt (yes, I'm bragging...

). I teach it in VN when I'm there--for free and for fun.
Ooops, Da Boss just called. Off to lunch I go--or else!