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blueh2oboy blueh2oboy is offline

Professional Snorkeller

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. spearo247
    07-21-2011 01:02 PM
    hey man i just wanted to let you know that your youtube videos are amazing im only 13 but ive been spearing since i was about 9 and your my fricken idle i always dream of spearing as good as you and its my dream to spearfish around the world when i get older like you and keep those youtube videos going man and you have to be the coolest guy in the world i just wanted to let you know that thanks dude you really inspire me
  2. Mowgli
    09-23-2009 04:03 AM

    Anyone who saves anyone is a friend of everyone..
  3. riley's hump
    06-30-2009 06:06 PM
    riley's hump
    Hey, hope you don't mind the visit but you seem to be the real deal in a world of BS. I've started freediving the rigs out of mobile and want to get down south of Vencie to try for wahoo and tuna. I've got boat and have operated vessels from Antigua to Juneau, but not south LA. Seemed like down south pass to Cognac or other rigs in area. Any tips on finding fish summer months and shooting them? I have years on scuba free shafting but new to big fish freediving. Thanks
  4. saltwater redneck
    06-15-2009 02:32 PM
    saltwater redneck
    Just watched your Mahi vid, good stuff! We brought back 15 Sunday from 35 miles off.
  5. saltwater redneck
    06-15-2009 02:25 PM
    saltwater redneck
    The boat is a 35' TRITON center conbsole, I do have the boat for sale so as long as I still have it I should be able to take you if you cover expenses "gas,slip,etc"
  6. saltwater redneck
    06-15-2009 07:05 AM
    saltwater redneck
    You asked about a boat in Morehead, I probably could take you. What dates? Scuba or freediving? How many divers?
  7. PrincessSlaya!
    05-21-2009 01:33 PM
    I want to be you!
  8. blueh2oboy
    04-17-2009 02:52 PM
    Possible I have to go to houston on Monday but we'll keep in touch.
  9. PrincessSlaya!
    04-17-2009 02:17 PM
    Sat. looks a bust! But Sunday may work?
  10. PrincessSlaya!
    04-14-2009 08:03 PM
    Hey you! We may go Sat. or Sun.....We dive nitrox, No freediving for us. It doesn't mean you can't. But towards the end of the week I will shot you a pm. I hate not being able to get off land! Keep you posted..

About Me

  • About blueh2oboy
    Grew up in Florida and now travel working on Merchant ships as a Chief Mate and spearing the world as i go.
    South of the demarcation line...
    Surfing, Climbing, wakeboarding, Fishing, hunting, climbing, chasing women
    Captain Merchant Marine
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Bluewater Militia
    Make/Model of Boat
    Mooch off everyone else
    Home Port
    Hell if I know
  • Signature
    I will shoot you. Cameron Kirkconnell

    www.Spearblog.com Stories, videos, how-to, pictures, and all out spearfishing lies from Cameron Kirkconnell

    Team Riffe



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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-25-2015 08:04 PM
  • Join Date: 09-06-2003


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