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kwyoungspear kwyoungspear is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. tannermn
    08-23-2019 07:48 AM
    Hello, are you still In TC? I’m working in the area and have my free diving stuff with me, was looking to get out maybe see a fish to shoot or just check out some ship wreaks if they are close to shore. Anyways take care.

    Tanner tdrem269@gmail.com 218-766-6662
  2. Johnniec
    06-09-2018 08:53 PM
    I'm in KW. Ready to dive!
  3. Johnniec
    05-01-2018 03:37 PM
    Thank you for the reply. I'd really like to tag along. Not sure if I'd be your #1 guy for extreme scuba. I'm very confident with my abilities, but my scuba xp is somewhat limited. Not sure if that's a disqualifier, but under safe conditions, I'm ready to do more than I may be letting on. I'd even do safety FD and scuba tasks just to get exposure if that makes everyone more comfortable. It's really about getting in the water and being a part of the team for me.

    I do consider myself a decent shot. Excellent swimmer etc (former USMC water survival instructor).. My rule is not to shoot unless I'm confident in the kill.

    If this is ok with you, I'd look forward to the xp. Assuming things are a go, what would I need to cover concerning $$, and what would I be expected to bring?

    Thanks, John 760-231-5515
  4. Louis Rossignol
    08-05-2009 09:46 PM
    Louis Rossignol
    No, I don't sell them, just give-aways. Incidental bycatch.
  5. Louis Rossignol
    08-05-2009 06:46 PM
    Louis Rossignol
    I don't eat them, but the Obamas of this world will try to figure out a way to eat anything.
  6. Louis Rossignol
    08-04-2009 09:49 PM
    Louis Rossignol
    How's it going? Looks like you caught me right in the beginning of my next war. Nice looking fish you have there in your avitar.

About Me

  • About kwyoungspear
    I like to shoot fish
    Northern Michigan/Key West
    Spearfishing, Football
    Commerical Spearfish/Lobster
    Make/Model of Boat
    contender 32
  • Signature


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-11-2023 03:13 PM
  • Join Date: 02-17-2009


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