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Bwano Bwano is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. Bluesthing
    04-20-2017 06:59 PM
    Saw your post bashing Cressi / mares air guns - funny... You just bought one.
    And I just got a halibut with a Cressi Star SL 70 last weekend, with you!
    Need to rethink band vs air? Short air guns rule in 2ft viz for bottom fish?
    06-28-2013 01:25 AM
    have an 18-foot colbalt 19 74.... I'm going out tomorow. maybe Sunday ?
  3. Bwano
    06-23-2013 11:10 PM
    I'm diving NWC Monday.
    Have to work straight thru to July 2. Co worker on vacation.
    THen, I'm on vacation July 2 thru 8
  4. polarbear
    06-23-2013 10:20 PM
    trip fell through for next week. You interested in an over night trip either sat sun, or sun mon next week???

    05-20-2013 07:42 PM
    Thanks for the offer bro but I cant make it.Peace
  6. Bwano
    03-28-2013 03:15 PM
    Am I in trouble with you?
    I never heard back from you when I went home.
  7. Capt. George
    03-28-2013 11:29 AM
    Capt. George
    What do you mean ? Shit list ?
  8. sbsurfer
    01-20-2013 04:45 PM
    John, Been watching your project on bloodydecks and am glad to see it coming out so well...you gotta be stoked. You're going to love having that pilothouse for protection from the elements and even more satisfying knowing YOU built it! Glad you're able to get in some water time lately, not sure about down south but conditions up here have been epic lately.

    Anyways, good hearing from ya and i'll be sure to keep watching your project...hope to see ya at the islands some time to share a beer or two.

  9. Bwano
    07-11-2012 02:08 PM
    I could just send $30 Paypal to your phone number first?
    Thank you for your generosity
  10. sbsurfer
    07-11-2012 02:02 PM
    Send me your address and i'll figure out what the shipping charges are. I can't imagine it would be more than 20 bucks. If you were close enough to pick up i'd say just give me a six pack of Pacificos

    I'll ship it on my dime and you can just re-imburse me (mail me a check or something). I'm a firm believer in Karma and what goes around comes around. I could probably sell the hatch for a couple hundred on craigslist but work has treated me really well recently and noticing you were doing the project yourself to cut costs i figured i'd like to contribute. Plus i LOVE boat projects. I tried to donate all the stuff i took off my boat and replaced with new...My old rubrail is now on a 30ft Wilson black cod boat here n SB, my old electronics are on a buddy's whaler, etc , etc. Plus when you're 30 miles offshore and need help it's nice to have friends in the water

    Feel free to call my cell anytime - Mark 805-705-0289

About Me

  • About Bwano
    Lone Grey Wolf
    Humboldt Manila
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  • Last Activity: 03-01-2020 04:46 PM
  • Join Date: 05-12-2008


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