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mazfisher mazfisher is offline

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  1. ultrafan45
    07-20-2011 12:33 PM
    Hola Humberto como estan/.. saludos desde el nortecito...todo bien por aca por el momento..tamps muy dificil. estamos saliendo de puert isabel,.ayer cesar y my hijo mataron cobias y snapper grande,..nadaron con el tibu ballenita!!!...saludos
  2. speckthreat
    03-16-2011 05:59 PM
    hey Mazfisher, you gonna be around to fish april 1st and 2nd???
  3. dennishaussler
    12-27-2010 02:27 PM
    Trip to mazatlan.
    Ola amigo. My friend John Riggio is coming down your way, and would love to hook up with you for some diving. He is a great guy, and familiar with the reef. He has tried to contact you on spearboard, but is unable, not sure why. Computers are not his strong point.
    His email is johnmriggio@comcast.net . You can reply to me if you like, or contact him if your interested in diving with him. Thanks for any help you can provide, and hopefully you 2 get a chance to dive while he's there.
    Muchas gracias
    Dennis Haussler
  4. Mantarrayo
    08-11-2010 11:54 AM
    Que onda Mazfisher,

    Me llamo Isaac, soy de Mazatlán pero me mude a Cabo hace casi 4 años y estoy a punto de regresarme a vivir a Mazatlán otra vez. Ya te la sabes, para donde apunte la chamba... La neta, tengo un grupo muy agusto para las arponeadas en Cabo, donde vamos casi todos los fines de semana a arponear porque la visibilidad se presta y el area es casi virgen, pero al mudarme para aca, pues se que no tengo nadie con quien ir asi qeu me acorde que habia visto tu perfil de Mazatlan en el blog de fish report steveencabo.. Cuando vivia aqui, solo iba a pescar, mas nunca a arponear asi que la verdad no puedo aportar mas que un buen de ganas de ir cada que se de la oportunidad.

    Vamos poniendonos de acuerdo y vamos a pegarle aqui,



    624 157 74 88
  5. WC Freediver
    02-27-2010 10:08 PM
    WC Freediver
    Hola Amigo,
    Sent it out today, no tracking number south of the border. They gave me some custom document but that's it. Wrapped to tight so it should get to you soon. Rob
  6. WC Freediver
    02-17-2010 09:16 PM
    WC Freediver
    Delivery will be $30.00. Anywhere in Mexico, thought that was strange. Anyway, If you want it I'll wrap it in a company t-shirt (West Coast Freediving Equipment) and send it out. Let me know amigo Rob
  7. WC Freediver
    02-12-2010 09:07 PM
    WC Freediver
    Was up my brother from across the border,
    Ya, send me your mailing address and I'll get you a price from the post office. Regards, Rob
  8. salty spear
    10-29-2009 04:47 PM
    salty spear
    Que va Mazfisher i got a friend of mine who has a house in guadalajara were he leaves his wife and heads towards the beach to do some spearfishing but he has never hit up the corvatena. Is their some other spots worth while to hit up in the area, que bueno que ay un sitio para los spearos de mexico, buena suerete HUMBERTO..........
  9. billder99
    10-17-2009 10:40 AM
    Hola Maz,
    Right on pistolero, glad to see a website for spearos de Mexico. I live in Loreto, if you are ever coming here let me know and we can go out on my boat... fantastic area around here, though spearing inside the Marine Park will become illegal in January... requires a 2 hour boat trip to get to the good spots, but well worth it.
  10. speckthreat
    04-12-2009 08:15 PM
    Hey mazfisher,

    i come to mazatlan about every six months and like to fish and surf too. I usually free dive around the islands and would like company sometimes. Let me know how to get in contact with you if you would like to show me some of your areas to fish. I have a place down by luna palace and usually just swim over to deer or bird islands. I have several good guns and many rods and reels tambien. Robert one23floors@comcast.net

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  • About mazfisher
    Mazatlan Mexico
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  • Last Activity: 01-20-2022 01:04 PM
  • Join Date: 06-03-2008


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