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mjmoore83 mjmoore83 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Chucko1404
    06-04-2013 08:01 AM
    Matt I was wandering what time you available to take a group of us spearfishing next weekend maybe Sunday June 18. We dive our own boat out of charleston mostly 80-120 ft live bottom... Would be super stoked to come north and have you put us on some big hogs... All experienced guys will all of our own gear. I know you don't let us have GPS so don't worry about that you can search our gear. Here is a link to video of one of our trips http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=bJTGBHI0lp8&feature=plcp. Call me at 803-645-8869 or email me at Charlie.capps@comcast.net

    Charlie Capps
  2. bww143
    02-17-2013 07:19 PM
    Will you run spearfishing trips this summer? I will be in Cherry Grove early July. Thanks
  3. gettinbent
    06-04-2011 12:14 AM
    Hey man , I caught an old thread someone dredged up about your charters... Do you still run people out? We dive our own boat out of charleston mostly 80-120 ft live bottom... Would be super stoked to come north and haveyou put us on some big hogs, and maybe some cold water tuna... All experienced guys, if you still have facebook or other contact info let me know. Kind regards, josh

About Me

  • About mjmoore83
    I kill fish for a living
    Carolina Coast
    everything in the water, freediving, scuba, surfing, kayaking, fishing, etc.
    Charter Captain/ Commercial Fishermen
    Make/Model of Boat
    39 number one, 45 KW Custom, 34 Crusaider
    Home Port
  • Signature
    Some people fish. Some people are fishermen.

    Dont come in untill you run out of ice or the fishbox is full


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-07-2016 01:29 PM
  • Join Date: 10-29-2008

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