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100days-a-year 100days-a-year is offline

Seafood Sifu

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. FishStick
    07-14-2015 02:32 PM
    Hit 90 ft ledges for a couple drops last week. Cold and snotty below 60 ft. Bigass red snapper everywhere. Managed a mixed bag of bottom stuff and a good gag. Freedivers got a couple cobia off the y-73.
  2. vertical limit
    06-12-2015 09:35 AM
    vertical limit
    Hey tony this is john in n.s.bch. I was wondering if you make your own paralyzer tips, if so how do you do it and help me with info. Your tips look more springy in your videos.
  3. Aqua Nut
    02-21-2013 06:42 PM
    Aqua Nut
    whats going on up thare
  4. motocrunch
    11-02-2012 06:50 PM
    Hey sorry I didnt get back with you right away ,....with the weather like it is I took a job on a project in Jax. It should last about a month maybe two. But my boat is still a couple months out and then I need to finish rigging it. Got the job to help pay for motors I want to repower now. ANyhow LEt me know when you need a shooter ,...I dont claim to be the best but I kill my share and pretty know my shit. Give me a shout when and if you need help. Russ Phoenix
  5. jkent
    04-28-2011 07:14 PM
    What's your email. I'll send you pics of the White Shark that was circling M1R1 last Sunday.
  6. makomaster
    08-20-2010 04:13 PM
    not fishing this week??

About Me

  • About 100days-a-year
    Self-employed,fish/dive almost every weekend
    Jax Fla
    You mean other than diving?
    Wallpaperhanger/Faux painter
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Louisville Slugger
    Make/Model of Boat
    Seastrike Fallapart Special
    Home Port
    Jax,St Augustine,Georgetown and Tavernier
  • Signature


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-12-2023 11:36 AM
  • Join Date: 10-24-2002


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