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baja haha baja haha is offline

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  1. Noah Doughty
    07-07-2013 12:11 PM
    Noah Doughty
    Greetings Dr. Miller,

    Noah Doughty here - I visited your house years ago and we have bumped into each other on the beach occasionally. Hope all is good with you and that you are enjoying you summer.

    I'm in the process of building a new gun and remember you mentioning that if I ever needed help you had some woodworking tools that might be available. If it would still be possible to come by your place to get some work done that would be great. Just stopping by to visit would also be grand.

    Let me know either way,
  2. Big_Berg
    09-03-2012 11:35 PM

    i was hoping i could possibly pick your brain on a few things. i am interested in writing an article about the local population of 7 gill sharks in the shell beach area. i have many exciting first hand accounts to include. i very much enjoyed reading the articles you gave me and was very inspired. i am hoping to ask you due to the many interesting articles you have had published. i am wondering about how hard it is to get something published in a local news paper? what channels do you have to go through?
    the ringer on my phone was off so i missed both of your calls. i am unfortunately busy this week, but hope i can speak with you regarding these matters possibly in the evening after work, over the phone, or possibly in person the week after.

  3. baja haha
    09-30-2011 12:08 PM
    baja haha
    Thanks for your interest..

    According to the powers as I understand it the article was too confrontational--it asked for restraint in capturing the big bugs..Oh well!

    Check out new post on magazine article,

    cheers from Cen Cal--aka Pismo Beach,

  4. HAYDUKE375
    09-26-2011 05:46 PM
    Hey Sam, this is Duke, what happened to your thread on throwing back the breeders? Nice to meet you by the way.
    - DUKE
  5. Bill McIntyre
    06-20-2010 01:42 PM
    Bill McIntyre
    I just noticed my name here. Was I directly addressed with a question about the Riedel gun? If so, I don't recall it. Maybe I missed it because I was actually out spearfishing rather than writing long history lessons. If I had seen the question, I probably would have replied that I don't really know anything about the Riedel gun. I recall the name, but that's it. Unlike Sam, I don't claim to know everything about every person and every brand from decades ago. I'm more focused on today's guns and diving today. I don't drive a Model-T either. Maybe when I'm as old as Sam, I'll spend all my time living in the past, but for now I'm struggling to live in the present.

    Sam, if you want make snide comments about me with no fear of response, it would be better to use the Private Message feature.
  6. JonChoy
    05-29-2010 08:30 PM
    Thanks for the information. I'll keep that in mind for when he wants to part with it in the future.
  7. JonChoy
    05-12-2010 11:25 PM
    Billy Mac never spoke up. The owner decided to keep the gun, and since it didn't have as much historical value as I thought (and I have a gun of similar length), I didn't pursue it any further. Thanks for following up though, it's much appreciated.
  8. MidwestSpearo
    04-30-2010 02:10 PM
    I spear in Lake Michigan and a few clean lakes around here. I have traveled to Lake Cumberland, too. I mostly spear carp and catfish. I am from the Indianapolis area but the closest place I spear is an hour and a half away. Thanks for asking!!


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  • Last Activity: 03-23-2014 01:39 AM
  • Join Date: 04-19-2008


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