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Ethan kills Ethan kills is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 41
  1. Ethan kills
    06-16-2015 07:44 AM
    Ethan kills
    Yeah man. I lost my dad in December
    And I've
    Sort of just been off the radar. You have my number still? Give me
    A call. I wish I could post on SB and tell all these guys what fags they are for crying over a Dead Sea lion. Lol
  2. mainphrame
    06-15-2015 02:05 AM
    hit me up Ethan, hope all is good man. You still have rods and shit right?
  3. Ethan kills
    09-14-2014 09:38 AM
    Ethan kills
    I'm banned!!!!
  4. The Jewish Assassin
    06-12-2014 04:02 PM
    The Jewish Assassin
    Hey, trying to get a hold of you
  5. mainphrame
    03-01-2014 10:24 PM
    Are you wver gonna post anything on the board ever again?
  6. ca.harvester
    11-01-2013 09:37 AM
    Yup and what's that you drive I'm assuming your gonna call it a classic if you called what you lived in with another dude a house... Hey look at the plus l
    Though at least I don't get my speargun that Brian put hard work on for free stolen because of my stupidity
  7. ca.harvester
    10-31-2013 07:53 PM
    Maybe I can not ever get a job and live in my car and shithole oside then maybe I could be as cool as you
  8. Ethan kills
    10-01-2013 12:15 AM
    Ethan kills
    Haha I'm banned!
  9. toptuna
  10. mainphrame
    09-07-2013 04:27 AM
    Btw ethan, i think you owe my co-workers friend an apology. She was pregnant with his child you ****. He dove last winter up here in the CI. Pm me for an email kid.

About Me

  • About Ethan kills
    With the seals at the Children's Pool


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  • Last Activity: 09-27-2024 11:25 PM
  • Join Date: 01-31-2009


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