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dive4bugz dive4bugz is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. ctspearjunky
    07-31-2015 01:36 PM
    I just talked to my buddy said hes down to buy it he just wants to see it first
  2. ctspearjunky
    07-31-2015 01:28 PM
    Hey about that riffe Hawaiian shoot me some pics 8606085679 I'm sure he will be interested
  3. GatorNative
    07-05-2012 07:34 PM
    I'll be in Delray 7/8 thru 7/20. Would really like to get out there. Ft Pierce to Ft Laud. Scuba or free, deep or shallow. Will help out with the expen$e$. Just holler, if you know somebody going.
  4. diveincanada
    06-13-2011 12:23 PM
    hey buddy,
    I'm planning a trip to FL this summer... is summer good to spear in florida ?
  5. Proulxr07
    01-07-2011 08:55 AM
    Randy, do you still wana go diving tomorrow?
  6. seamoore
    07-21-2010 06:52 PM
    Hey Randy do you have plans for mini season? We are going out both days and have spots open on the boat if your interested weather permitting. 3 tanks a day and depths will be 100' or less, 85' for the most part. Let me know if you are interested my # is 386-871-2262.
  7. pbihp5
    12-04-2009 12:15 PM
    It is at my fathers house he is there all the time,
    it is in the meadowlawn area of st.petersburg just let me know when you want to look at it and i will meet you there or have him show it to you.
  8. PrincessSlaya!
    10-20-2009 10:48 AM
    Call you in a few! Almost off for Lunch!!!!
  9. seamoore
    10-06-2009 08:45 PM
    Thank you for every thing on saturday! I re-read my owners manual for my computer I was supose to re-enter the % of no2 after we came back to the surface after the sand dive. It automaticaly resets to air at the surface after each dive.
  10. gcracker89
    08-31-2009 09:08 PM
    Man I just spent 10 minutes typing on spearboard and lost it all. I hate when that happens
    Here we go as a ref # I will start with a tank # and then a couple I think are culverts. Turtle ledge is to the N or NW of PASCO 2
    Tank 28 17 709 83 01 053
    Culvert 28 17 874 83 01 100
    28 17 855 83 01 037
    28 17 923 83 01 110
    Turtle ledge are This ledge runs North and south more or less the sand side is on the East side and runs about 35’ The ledge side is to the West and runs about 30’ depending on the tide condition seems like the current runs to the North. The vis is better on natural bottom opposed to the artificial bottom.
    28 17 338 83 01 554
    28 18 331 83 01 462
    28 18 826 83 01 515
    A little East of those #
    28 18 164 83 00 672
    28 18 567 83 00 844
    28 18 688 83 00 714

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  • About dive4bugz
    Pompano Beach
    Make/Model of Boat
    28' Bertram
  • Signature
    See that? Steady as a rock... but THIS is my shootin' hand!!


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  • Last Activity: 07-31-2023 04:59 PM
  • Join Date: 01-28-2003


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