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jdaltonscheurn jdaltonscheurn is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. allaroundhunter
    05-06-2022 03:37 PM
    Is that ulusub still for sale? Text me 941-374-6120 I’ll pay shipping
  2. Acwaman
    11-17-2013 12:40 AM

    Seems my messages are not going through.

    Looking at doing the YT Open, Sat, May 10th, shoot me an email, acwaman@aol.com.

    Not 100% confirmed yet.

  3. Luckyatbest
    01-11-2013 12:36 PM
    Please message me your email and I can send you a pic of the fins, thanks.
  4. Bass Turd
    11-02-2012 04:08 PM
    Bass Turd
    Hey I'm Gio. You are on the WB dock in your avatar pic. You spear down here often?
  5. harleydiver1
    04-21-2012 02:50 PM
    Tore right bicep muscle...left shoulder double surgery.....just broke my knee.....sucks for me.
  6. harleydiver1
    04-21-2012 02:48 PM
    Not sure if I could do a full sponsorship this year............too many injuries have kept me out of the store and store closed a lot. What number are you thinking? Jerry
  7. jdaltonscheurn
    01-25-2012 03:45 PM
    I know that. I can meet somewhere maybe Lukes or something. Most important is the dates.
  8. Bluewater1
    01-25-2012 03:27 PM
    yeah well that the problem we dont have the place anymore in SD. but I will figure it out and let you know.
  9. Bluewater1
    01-25-2012 12:46 AM
    yeah cuz no problem. I was thinking for my birthday I would take a trip to san quintin for a shoot at some WSB and big yellows. March 16th. it works out perfect because its spring break for most people and its also saint paddys day weekend.
  10. Mojave Green
    04-07-2011 07:49 AM
    Mojave Green
    Just some thoughts,
    At some point we will have to decide on what class, pro or novice. The way things finished last time is that i could go either way according to Jerry.
    There was talk last time about how few fish were taken over all, but this time around it will be at spawn time.
    Also, with Terry Lentz now retired, there is a spot on top available.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-27-2022 06:19 PM
  • Join Date: 11-16-2009


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