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Polespearo Polespearo is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Daniel B
    02-22-2018 04:19 PM
    Daniel B
    Hey there! I just tried your number, but got no answer. Are you still interested?
  2. Daniel B
    02-21-2018 09:26 AM
    Daniel B
    Okay, sounds great! Daniel
  3. onamission
    11-06-2017 01:46 PM
    Hey Polespearo

    I will be in Baja in November and probably your area mid to late November, would be great to catch up if you are around?
  4. spearVibes
    06-26-2017 11:51 PM
    It's Renzo from this past week. That is for being an awesome guide down there, I'll be back in October for sure
  5. Mako dog
    02-22-2013 02:21 PM
    Mako dog
    The pangeroes are not nery nice over here. They have been rousting a few guys over here pretty bad. Cutting floatlines ect... How's the tail bite over there? I here between the islands have been good. I'm not sure of your schedule,but I would like to head out of la Paz or mortose soon.whats your take on the pangeroes over here.?
  6. Polespearo
    10-31-2012 06:48 PM
    No more storms, just nortes, which means steady and constant wind everyday, but am is perfect, flat till 1100am
  7. Polespearo
    10-31-2012 06:48 PM
    Its been great mostly everywhere i go. I have been finding from 20m (60ft) to 30 something meters (100ft) vis lately
  8. slingshaft
    10-31-2012 10:02 AM
    Hi, is the vis good in Baja? I'm hoping that the storms are finished for the winter months.

About Me

  • About Polespearo
    La Paz, Baja, Mexico
    Spearfishing, SUP, Freediving, Kitesurfing
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Baja Spearos
    Make/Model of Boat
    2003 Avon 12'40hp A.K.A. "41"


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-25-2019 12:10 PM
  • Join Date: 04-23-2012


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