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Shaft'o'death Shaft'o'death is offline


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  1. gettinwet
    04-18-2010 08:13 AM
    I am in need of a sea and sea fisheye dome and either sigma or canon 15mm or tokina 10-17. I am on the boat today. please email me directly to gettinwet@comcast.net. It is easier to communicate via email while out here. Thanks, doug
  2. aquaMaureen
    10-23-2009 08:15 AM
    Now all we need are some big dead fish
  3. Shaft'o'death
    09-06-2009 10:09 AM
    And as Steve says these free seminars are a joke.. they are to sell product.. period... To note: his "Free" Nitrox class cost more in the long run than one at JDC... You had to pay for a boat trip off the Emerald... You had to buy a 10 fill card (at slightly more than you would normally get it)... and you still had to pay for the certificate through PADI... In the end the cost of the "Free" Nitrox class was over $250..... At JDC, you can get the Nitrox class, boat ride, tanks and gear for $199.... Karma is what I say...
  4. Shaft'o'death
    09-06-2009 10:08 AM
    I am with you... I really like John and think he has some great ideas since buying the shop last year. But at JDC they do a O2 provider course for $100 and they do it anytime someone wants to do it. Now if ScubaWorks was as concerned as they say, why not do it for just the certification cost and not the entire cost.. Then I could see posting in a section like this. This is no different than telling me that for spearfisherman benefit they are going to have a 20% sale... It's free advertisement.. And as for what they do already for the diving community? Other shops do the same.. Maybe not as much... but how much do you have to do to qualify for free advertisement?
  5. motocrunch
    09-05-2009 01:51 PM
    Thanks man, I have a favorite shop too and I arranged an O2 provider coarse, I posted to see who was interested. The differense was he only charged 75.00 but that was to cover the cost of airfare for the instructor and the cert. He actually lost money.
  6. Shaft'o'death
    08-22-2009 02:25 PM
    West Coast of FL.. anywhere from 20 miles out to 100 miles out.. Long trip..
  7. capreef
    08-22-2009 11:26 AM
    I was just wondering where you went on the west coast. Thats a pretty large area. just wonderin
  8. Shaft'o'death
    05-08-2009 04:51 PM
    LOL.. that is funny.. We are all like that.. but, no worries.. We will not go to 200..
  9. sailcrazy
    05-08-2009 03:47 PM
    im fine to about 200 then i start feelin tipsy and proly shouldnt have a gun in my hand
  10. Shaft'o'death
    05-07-2009 02:51 PM
    Great. I am not too worried about you.. Johnny vouched for you.. So you can just get it to me that day.. It's cool.. Thanks though and we will get together a day or two ahead and make sure tanks are ready and the mixes are correct.. Nothing more than 135-140.. and even that you don't have to do if you are not comfortable.. Doug

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  • About Shaft'o'death
    Port Saint Lucie, FL
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    There is room for all of God's creatures, right between the rice and veggies.......


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  • Last Activity: 09-01-2024 02:25 AM
  • Join Date: 05-01-2007


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