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"Yard-Sale Josh" "Yard-Sale Josh" is offline

Kyle Porker

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Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
  1. 805roy
    03-15-2014 10:14 AM
    got it josh i respect that.100%& agree. i actually stayed up top. added the rest. thanks.my favorite spot.would like to dive with you sometime. I remember you from before the closure!
  2. Twisted Trader
    01-19-2014 07:00 PM
    Twisted Trader
    No problem us picking up your shaft in BOLA Just lat me know who has it, and how to get to his location. Stay in touch.
  3. Twisted Trader
    01-19-2014 06:48 PM
    Twisted Trader
    So Sorry Dude. I live in Fresno. Will not be hitting LA and points south until Feb 15. Hot fish locations would be appreciated. My Buddy has been there and out to the islands b-4. Let me know if there is any other way that I can help you out.
  4. Ocean
    01-11-2014 02:35 AM
    Hello, thank you for your opinion, i am noobie (pro swimmer but new to diving)
    If you have a time could you please help me a little bit with gear.
    I planning to dive in pacific ocean California and Hawaii
    I want 120 banded spear gun ( can spend like 700$) ( for fish like 8-50lb) ( Beuchat Marlin Carbon US Specs ?)
    Probably Cressi-Sub Tecnica Wetsuit 3mm
    Aqualung Micromask Black or Cressi Nano Mask
    Suunto D4I Dive Computer
    cressi gara 3000 or Beuchat Mundial Competition Fins ( i find them for 80$ new)
    dont know anything about snorkels yet ( but thinking about Cressi-Sub Corsica or maybe Riffe Stable)
    and i don't know anything about weights yet
    Could you recommend me anything about it?
    Thank you!!!!
  5. daspear
    01-09-2014 03:26 PM
    Hey "yard sale Josh" I noticed some posts about a trip to NZ you took in the past and had few questions about your experience with permitting and conditions, as well as what species you were targetting and did or did not successfully harvest. Let me know if you dont mind sharing, it will be much appreciated.
  6. mainphrame
    06-04-2013 02:56 AM
    Pt hueneme flats is hitting hard. 6 tons of squid so far today. 50 + wsb today fyi.
  7. Myrran
    06-22-2012 05:13 PM
    Didn't get to Post on your BSB thread before it got closed. Great fish man! We have been thinking of doing the same thing after that last trip to the Cornado's. We saw a couple down there and have been wanting to go back. Sick fish, and it sounds like it was a hell of a fight. Well done!
  8. "Yard-Sale Josh"
    03-29-2010 08:03 PM
    "Yard-Sale Josh"
    Randy that was me and my boat sent you an email.
  9. RandyVBWL
    03-29-2010 06:35 PM
    Hey Kyle,
    Have you ever freedived at Pt. Dume from a sailboat called the "Rascal", that used to be parked at Latigo in Malibu last year?
    If so, drop me a note, I'll share some interesting photo's with you that I shot last year on March 1, 2009.
    The photo's show a GWS chasing 2 seals near the buoy, and then later on, the "Rascal" cruises by and 1 of the boys on it goes for a freedive with a kayak tied off the sailboat...
    1 of the guys kinda looks like you, and I noticed today in the archives that you posted a Malibu story on the 2nd day of March 2009...
    L8, Randy
  10. BloodyHooker
    12-07-2009 10:54 PM
    You a Malibu guy? I was born and raised in the bu. grad class 2001. Been diving bkr and north for 10 years.

    We could probably trade some bug holes and score big.

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  • About "Yard-Sale Josh"
    ur moms
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    For all your diving needs Petros has you covered
    instagram: yardsalejosh


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  • Last Activity: 06-30-2017 12:15 AM
  • Join Date: 12-12-2007


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