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ca.harvester ca.harvester is offline

SCI Sand Dollar 2012

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 40
  1. haliseeker
    05-19-2011 05:23 PM
    Yes, I'm one of the guys setting it up . Why ?
  2. Spear_675
    05-17-2011 12:28 AM
    it's 619-813-5983
  3. Spear_675
    05-15-2011 10:37 PM
    if the scratches aren't deep and they really don't affect the way they work then i'm cool with trading, i just need something that i can wear with just a sock instead of a boot, cause my foot gets all cramped and it's just not a comfortable dive at all and i usually don't stay out too long because of it. They're a 9 1/2 to 10 1/2, but im sure they run large, cause even with a 5mm sock, they are still too big for me. You know who Tom is? His name on here is haliseeker, he has my fins, and i haven't been out in a couple of weeks, but im sure i can call him and let him know to take them the next time he goes unless you just wanna have him call me. My name is Jeff by the way. Well just let me know.
  4. Spear_675
    05-15-2011 06:29 PM
    hey I'm sure you've seen me at pb, but if u don't remember me that's ok, but I have the mares instinct pro find that are green that I'm trying to sell because they have too wide of a foot pocket for me. If yours fit me and mine fit you I would be willing to trade. They've only been used twice.
  5. almazing
    05-15-2011 04:48 PM
    I planned on going, but I had a crazy night. Sorry dudes.
  6. ca.harvester
    05-13-2011 10:36 PM
  7. Ethan kills
    05-07-2011 12:40 AM
    Ethan kills
    I have to see if it is in my trunk. I haven't had a knife for a year and I've been ok.
  8. fishcrazy
    04-15-2011 10:21 AM
    pm sent.
  9. haliseeker
    04-10-2011 11:40 PM
    I live in Clairemont and the shop is in P.B.
  10. haliseeker
    04-10-2011 09:45 PM
    somewhere around 6 to 8 hours and also allow time for epoxy curing for at least three days . and dont forget the hardware (staples ,remote trigger, pin for trigger)also a piece of teak or mahogany (which ever it is) and some G-flex epoxy

About Me

  • About ca.harvester
    spearfishing fishing anything with the ocean
    Make/Model of Boat
    20' baja bayrunner
  • Signature


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-09-2016 07:57 PM
  • Join Date: 03-06-2011


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