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Sheri Sheri is offline

So Little Time

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. gavinmock19
    03-22-2015 12:12 PM
    hey sheri! i just wanted to know if you guys posted the pictures of the winners from day 2 of the blue wild raffle. i won a speargun and took a picture with you id love to have it. please let me know! thank you!! great show btw
  2. anthropisces
    06-22-2012 10:36 AM
    You may have seen some posts for Shark Night which I arranged for the Palm Beach Freedivers club. It was held at the Florida Freedivers store. If not, just look up the flyer I made here on Spearboard, on Fii’s site or on FFD’s facebook page.
    Both the speakers were very good; Anthony Segrich though is absolutely riveting. If you are looking for speakers for your Blue Wild exhibition I would heartily recommend him if he is available. He brought in a very nice powerpoint presentation as well. He didn't just focus on the attack, but also his understanding of sharks and their habits. You could have heard a pin drop
  3. Captain Tom
    12-20-2011 03:58 PM
    Captain Tom
    sheri,, captain tom here , tony speargunhunter called and said you were looking for a new place to dive and he had told you about fishlobos.com , fell free to call any time if you have any ?? i also voted today on line i hope you do well
  4. speargunhunter
    05-26-2011 02:29 PM
    Hi Sheri! LJ and i enjoyed all your shows this season. Your an inspiration. Thanks. Tony and LJ. Dive Safe
  5. speargunhunter
    11-24-2010 10:13 PM
    Hi Sheri, just wanted to wish you Happy Thanksgiving! dive safe.
  6. kittycat
    07-28-2010 04:06 PM
    You are so awesome. Seriously an inspiration for me to go out there. :] Keep up the great work on the show... you're a great host... easy to listen to, understand, and very natural. God bless!
  7. PrincessSlaya!
    03-16-2010 03:45 PM
    Love the new avatar! See you at the Blue Wild, Girl!
  8. narcosis
    01-04-2010 12:05 PM

    Just read that your new season is on. Congrats. My offer for a trip in Texas still stands. We'd targer diffferent fish, depending on the time of year, but I'd suggest freediving for Red Snapper in early June 60-90ft. Scuba for Warsaw, Amberjacks, Snapper in July or August.

    Robert Luke
  9. Ballenita
    06-09-2009 04:42 PM
    Hi there Sheri! Nice to see you here on the board. Hey I am putting something together and I want your opinion on it. Its not totally mastered but I'm working on a patent right now before I put out the end result product. I have made a couple and they have turned out ok. Please give me some input. I can except critisism pretty good. LOL
    Thanks again.

  10. adavis
    05-25-2009 10:23 PM
    Hey I watch you on speargun hunter all the time!

About Me

  • About Sheri
    Boca Raton
    mech engr


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  • Last Activity: 05-12-2017 08:35 AM
  • Join Date: 09-09-2003


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