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keysdiver0106 keysdiver0106 is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. TPR
    04-26-2011 06:52 PM
    hey u got any good places to spearfish in the keya u wanna tell me im getting ready for a tourny and im going this week... any sugggestions
  2. Ballenita
  3. Ballenita
    07-02-2010 07:20 AM
    Hey James, Here is a link where Alessandro (C4) shows off his racks and at the bottom also, Chris shows off his. i'll send you more in a few.
  4. Keysdivers
    07-01-2010 08:19 PM
    I am deep wreck diving on sunday out of Marathon and have an opening. Are you working/available/comfortable??

  5. KeysKid
    06-22-2009 11:41 AM
    Yo James, When are you coming down next? We need to go to your sick spot.
  6. OceanEd
    04-21-2009 07:36 PM
    My Bluewater poles are 9 to 14 ft. My 9 ft are made by Bob Cockerham in Ft. Pierce and Aaron Christ of Christ spears. Much longer than 9ft will give to much mass. Then you get tricky.

    A Christ pole has 2 foot "spear shaft" section at the front I took 48" shaft from one of my spear guns and used that instead for more length. I do not have as much mass and weight as having a solid pole.

    Aaron made me a front end section in which I am putting a carbon fiber solid rod that is about the same diameter shaft and over 4 feet long. Now I have the tip way out in front with no extra weight or mass. Also, it is easy to swing and track through the water.

    With these designs you do not want a fixed spear tip at the end of these long rods. You want a slip tip. The thin shaft is used to deliver the slip tip. The slip tip is then attached back at the real pole itself.

    Have taken many Dorado with 9 ft. poles. Will be able to take Wahoo with the new poles.
  7. ocean_hunter
    04-05-2009 10:38 AM
    slayin fish and chasing girls, the usual.

    And yea I got out with jeremy and this guy derek from hammerhead.

    We ended up bay diving all day and pulled some reds, hogs and greys. Nothing too crazy.

    Although there is a funny story about me and a jewfish that I'll have to tell you about

    Hows boca ?

About Me

  • About keysdiver0106
    I live to spearfish and surf
    Spearfishing and Surfing
    Captain Hooks Marina
    Make/Model of Boat
    25' Parker
    Home Port
    Boot key Harbor
  • Signature


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  • Last Activity: 03-09-2015 06:56 PM
  • Join Date: 09-13-2007


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