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Lone Star Spearo Lone Star Spearo is offline

Extreme snorkeler

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
  1. Ramon
    06-16-2014 01:26 PM
    Welcome to come here to fish and need a fishing permit to be federated or liability insurance, you will need a red buoy and signaling arpón, If you want I can look better contact with Pedro Carbonell and you can organize a day's fishing in his boat charter or two days at an agreed price including insurance just need to bring their costumes, the rifle has, will realize better as it will be a charter, to get licenses and permits, I hope to answer
  2. apexdiver
    01-04-2014 05:15 PM
    You moved to Germany?Where you going to spear there?
  3. stut8500
    01-03-2014 11:44 PM
    Are you still located in CO?
  4. gdconstruction
    07-15-2013 10:13 PM
    I have received the DW as promised, thank you sir.... It is in fact brand new, with all working parts, thanks for the extra shaft
  5. BBD808
    07-14-2013 01:42 AM
    Aloha Braddah Chad,
    Can you contact me call or text, about your GR gun? Until then aloha ke akua...

    Mahalo nui loa,
    Braddah Rueben
  6. Riovista445
  7. frankt
    06-10-2013 08:17 PM
    hey i was wondering if u could tell me how i should wrap the mono on my mako ETR should i wrap it like open muzzle were the line goes over the shaft, or should i wrap it on just one side? i got it with a double wrap from mako. any advice would help thanks
  8. B shift
    01-12-2013 12:07 AM
    B shift
    Watch came in today. Right now I'm at work till tomorrow but ill check it out when I get home. Thanks for the super fast shipping! Just wanted to let you know it came in
  9. B shift
    01-08-2013 11:35 PM
    B shift
    If you are interested please email me at dwightkillpack@gmail.com
  10. B shift
    01-08-2013 11:34 PM
    B shift
    Do you still have any left? If so would you take 175. I live in Parker CO. Just north of Castle Rock

About Me

  • About Lone Star Spearo
    The Lone Star State
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Traveling Misfits
  • Signature
    Mako Spearguns


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Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-17-2022 11:05 PM
  • Join Date: 05-15-2008


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