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SeaRanchAbLingr SeaRanchAbLingr is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. bruce flatow
    06-04-2014 12:14 PM
    bruce flatow
    Just logged on for the first time in ages and saw that you replied to a thread I started back in 2011 in 2013 about the lost gun. A kid from the Free Dive Shop lost it that year and I got it back in his hands literally 36 hours after I found it because of the community. Pretty amazing really. Hope you find your guns! Get a float line!
  2. aussie
    04-27-2012 02:39 AM
    "Hey, man. Dave said you were sending me some of that white hybrid line of his that you weren't using. That's really cool of you. I really appreciate it. Can I paypal you some postage?"

    I dropped it in the post last night. You should get it Monday. It's rad stuff. Hope you like it.
  3. Lung.spearo
    02-27-2012 12:08 AM
    Will let you know first thing in the morning
  4. VinWalrus
    03-09-2011 12:11 PM
    Ill be up at Sea Ranch 4/2-4/10 ish ..... let me know if you need a weekday dive partner. I am assuming by the name youre a TSR guy too.

    John Lynch
  5. JonChoy
    06-24-2010 12:36 AM
    yea looks like tomorrow and friday are the best days, hopefully it's doable on sat at the very least. it'll be nice to land him on his first abs and maybe score a couple fish. Either way it should just be a pretty nice weekend to hang out. good luck tomorrow
  6. scootz
    09-25-2009 11:16 PM
    It wasn’t the best I’ve seen, but still really good. The vis had that “foggy” look, but totally opened up when you got down. Being conservative at 15-20’with plenty of fish. All the ones I got were good size, a couple browns, a kelp and a black. There were tons of blues everywhere, but none worth spearing.
    I normally just go straight out to the reef from the parking lot at the end of Ocean, but today I took my sister to the beginners section at the north end.
  7. Emod
    07-26-2009 11:30 PM

    i saw that you are interested in buying a small gun. I have a 70'' that i would sell. if you are still interested i will send you a pic and info (818)438-8035
  8. BigMako
    07-05-2009 07:29 PM
    No. Sorry. I sold it on ebay.
  9. polarbear
    06-20-2009 12:33 AM
  10. matt mattison
    06-17-2009 04:50 PM
    matt mattison
    so I am gonna guess you dive sea ranch alot from your sreen name. if ever in need of a buddy give me a hollar I live on the russian river so does not take me long to get up there.

About Me

  • About SeaRanchAbLingr
    Graduate Student


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  • Last Activity: 06-20-2016 05:47 PM
  • Join Date: 09-12-2008


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