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marine_jor marine_jor is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. divemaker24
    06-18-2017 07:36 PM
    Hey, saw your post about getting in contact for freedive spearfishing. If you are ever wanting to go just send me a message or at my Instagram santi_el_santo18 or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php...&ref=bookmarks. I am always ready to head out and see nice fish and even better get fresh fish to eat.
  2. pmaseda1476
    11-14-2013 09:27 PM
    Hey man,
    No, I haven't gone fishing at all...I have taken the boat to the bay to run the engine, but haven't touched the water in more than a month...so pissed off about the weather. Sorry I haven't replied. my number is 305 720 6056. Best way to contact me: pmaseda1476@yahoo.com
  3. sofldiverdown
    04-24-2013 11:02 PM
    Hey bud. Interested in doing some diving? I got a boat. Looking for cool easy going people to dive and spear with. Gfriend gets sea sick
    09-17-2012 02:54 PM
    Wat did you guys shoot
  5. mdandashly
    09-14-2012 02:42 PM
    Hey I'm new to the area. Just moved down here to go to law school up at FIU. Me and my roommate are usually free on the weekends if you're looking to dive. We are both SCUBA cert but usually freedive. We are fine with shore dives or boat dives-pitching in for gas if we are on a boat. Usually free on the weekends. I saw your post and thought I would PM ya.
  6. 1shot2kills
    08-10-2009 04:28 PM
    can i still sign up or is it full?i'm selling one of my guns so i can take the class.
  7. Ballenita
  8. Stevo
  9. eddie_lo
    03-23-2009 12:11 PM
    What's going on Jorge, have u go out lately, how is it?
  10. Stevo

About Me

  • About marine_jor
    I am interested in meeting people who love to spearfish and dive
    Miami, Florida
    Spearfishing, boating, freediving, SCUBA
    Mechanical Engineer
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Spearboard, Spearbook
    Make/Model of Boat
    Home Port


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-21-2022 11:06 AM
  • Join Date: 02-17-2009


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