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one_drake one_drake is offline

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  1. WestCoastHunter
    07-21-2013 05:11 PM
    I'll pay all the gas and buy some beer after! Thanks again Kurt 916 212-1844
  2. malibujohn
    08-20-2011 09:50 PM
    found your hammer today, no shit!
  3. malibujohn
    08-16-2011 09:28 PM
    Lost my phone and your #. Whats your # again. Or give a call. Gonna try an area the birds are going nuts at the last 3 days tommorrow!
  4. malibujohn
    08-11-2011 09:43 AM
    Hey brandon, just got back from n.y. last night and cant wait to hit it. The water is lookin pretty damn nice here. Lets hook up for some good footage, should be good comin up with the last grunion run. later john
  5. one_drake
    07-25-2011 11:09 AM
    I saw your post! holy shit, and i have honed in on where you live... more important... where you dive! You stated you had to head north in the rib to Dume. And i believe there is only one spot with houses over water! I never dive that south part of malibu.... guess i better start.
  6. malibujohn
    07-25-2011 01:44 AM
    you coulda really put that hammer to work around here today. Unbelievable!!!
  7. malibujohn
    07-11-2011 07:55 AM
    made it out to third point and even though the surf was firing I managed to pull 7 calicos and missed a shot on a nice wsb. I doubt its still good because the surf n
    has increased even more. I got some sweet footage of the paddle out through the line up(took one of my kayaks), and a cool sequence of a nice shot on a decent cali before it fogged up. Way fun dive, cant wait to try it again.
  8. malibujohn
    07-09-2011 02:53 PM
    just got back from a paddle board cruise to 3rd point and not only is the surf firing but vis there looked GREAT. I could see sand patches and rocks from 10-12 feet. I have never dove it but would be fun. I hear some big flatties are there at times. If your still up 4 it lets do it! Get some awesome footage down the line there, about a hundred guys out
  9. BTSpearfishing
    06-21-2009 07:16 PM
    Also, if Josh is interested too, then let us know if we should hold 2 spots for you. I think it's a 50% deposit for time. Also check out Tim's photo with his world record Rooster fish that he speared down there. That F'r is HUGE!
  10. BTSpearfishing
    06-21-2009 07:15 PM
    What's up bro! How was the ab diving stuff?? Here is the thread to the Palapas Ventana trip. You chould chime in with Tim - http://www.spearboard.com/showthread...ndre+spearguns


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  • Last Activity: 05-08-2019 07:12 PM
  • Join Date: 04-11-2009


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