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kylo1597 kylo1597 is offline

Pro Snorkeler

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. FreeSpearIt1
    09-10-2015 10:28 AM
    Do you still have the ulusub 165 for sale?
  2. diveincanada
    03-31-2015 09:38 PM
    Will you take 600$ for the impaler?
  3. Autonomous
    02-09-2014 10:00 PM
    I've been following the board for a couple of years now, and I noticed you are from vancleave. I've been diving for a couple of years now, and have speared a couple of times. I'm from north ms, and I have a boat stored in Pascagoula. The problem that I'm having is my friends don't dive, they fish but no diving. All of this to ask if you know of any clubs or guys that might be interested in taking a noob along?
  4. Spearo56
    06-16-2012 09:29 AM
    Hows the Mtech working for you man?
  5. jetro
    10-13-2010 11:16 AM
    Cobes are thick inshore, you ready for a weekend trip?
  6. jetro
    06-19-2010 05:10 PM
    You up for the rodeo next week?
  7. DVD
    10-22-2009 07:45 PM
    give me a shout befor the trourney ill have room
  8. DVD
    09-10-2009 08:24 PM
    all winter all year
  9. Louis Rossignol
    09-04-2009 08:08 AM
    Louis Rossignol
    I called Megabeast a dick, and a mod deleted the whole tread on cable vs. mono. That's funny!

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  • Last Activity: 09-04-2023 10:03 PM
  • Join Date: 07-20-2009


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