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Hank49 Hank49 is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. adriangarz1206
    05-22-2017 10:53 AM
    hank going to be in san pedro area next month, can you point in tge right direction, looking to do some spearing while im out there
  2. Divefresh
    07-14-2014 04:55 PM
    I will be staying at x'tan ha...and wondered about getting a boat and local etc....will it be easy to find a local to hire for 4-5 hours a day to take me out to do some spearing?....it will be me and my girlfriend on vacation for a few days...so our first trip down...I'm good with shooting hogs all day but would love to get a chance at some bigger fish as well...any information would be awesom...thanks
  3. MeTo
    09-10-2013 07:08 AM
    I will be in Belize in December and want to do some freedive spearfishing, can you help me with that?
  4. Flyingtiger
    04-28-2013 09:28 AM
    Have you been to mysteriosa bank
  5. Jordan1
    09-18-2012 05:16 PM
    Hi Hank,
    I hunt the northern areas of BZ often. In the interest of expanding my horizons I am thinking of heading down towards the Rendezvous Caye area. I have two questions. Is that part of any marine reserve and do the surrounding channels hold any promise. I am buddies with the Caye Caulker contingent.
  6. Jordan1
    09-18-2012 04:27 PM
    Hi Hank,
    I hunt the northern areas of BZ often. In the interest of expanding my horizons I am thinking of heading down towards the Rendezvous Caye area. I have two questions. Is that part of any marine reserve and do the surrounding channels hold any promise. I am buddies with the Caye Caulker contingent.
  7. TPP
    09-05-2012 10:25 PM
    Im not too sure of where we are staying. We fly into Belize City and have a rental car as well. Erica is wanting to drive in county to some ruins and senotes. were staying for 11 days and arrive on the 28 Sept. She promised the last 4 days can be in the ocean. Any must sees? And where do i drive directly to the best fishing areas? Thanks so much for your help. Erik
  8. Hank49
    08-27-2012 02:22 PM
    Hi Erik,

    Where are you staying?

    I personally don't know of anyone who does spearfishing charters. I would guess that the fishing guides in San Pedro and Caye Caulker could take you but they will have to be a little discrete since the scuba shops up there won't like it too much.
    Placencia has a lot of guides too.
    But honestly, I don't know much about tourism and what all goes on. I live in the middle of nowhere north of Dangriga. I have a boat and ramp here so I just do my thing.
    I can tell you this. Try and do the cuts in the reef. There will be current but that's where you'll find fish. All up and down the reef.
    Hope this helps. Hank
  9. TPP
    08-26-2012 03:35 PM
    Hank, My girlfriend and I are flying into Belize in 3 wks. Any recomendations for guides, spearfishing charters or locations? We are super excited about the trip. Thanks. Erik.
  10. belize
    03-09-2012 04:02 PM
    what is the easiest way to ship things to belize dhl, fedex...?
    do you know how much the duty would be on a pair of free diving fins?

About Me

  • About Hank49
    shrimp farmer. Design and operate commerical hatcheries for macobrachium, tiger shrimp and pacific white shrimp. lived and worked in Hawaii, Philippines, Malaysia and Belize
    Stann Creek, Belize
    fishing, diving, guitar picking
    shrimp farm and hatchery manager
    Make/Model of Boat
    25' Mexican skiff. Made in Guatemala. Twin 40 Yamaha Enduro motors
    Home Port
    10 miles north of Dangriga


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  • Last Activity: 07-27-2021 01:54 PM
  • Join Date: 05-19-2005


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