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Ptrnpc Ptrnpc is offline

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  1. taylorgreen
    07-31-2013 10:42 PM
    It doesn't even matter to most people how they will interact with a smartwatch - they assume Apple, Google, and cheap watches Microsoft will figure that out for them - they crave being able to further simplify their need to constantly be connected with Spy Sunglasses Camera their need to be mobile. What About The Spy Sunglasses Smartwatches We Already Have?The smartwatch was arguably invented in the 1980s, depending on how you define it. The 1980s was a time in the watch industry called the "quartz revolution" (or crisis if you were cheap watches a mechanical watch maker). 745TDBanty 130801


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  • Last Activity: 03-29-2022 06:58 PM
  • Join Date: 04-05-2013

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