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Smash Smash is offline

Monterey Bay Triton

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. reefstalker
    05-05-2014 01:26 PM
    Smash interested in joining the tridents. But every time i try the website get kicked to a mobile site which doesn't exist. Im sure it's because Im trying to view the site on my phone but i don't have access to a desktop atm. Is there a number i can call or an upcoming meeting i can attend?
  2. Smash
    11-22-2013 10:34 AM
    Thanks for the contact. You can join the Tritons at our website (www.montereybaytritons). When you join you will have access to our members only section on spearboard. That's where we tend to post most of our info on meeting up for dives. Our next meeting is in Feb.
    Take care,
  3. calicojack
    11-22-2013 10:19 AM
    I want to resume diving after having been dormant in this regard since 1999. Live in Redwood City. Don't have active connections with anyone who dives/spearfishes. Thinking of joining the Tritons. Been lurking here off and on for years. How would I join your club?


    Jim Calvinperez (AKA Calicojack)
  4. Jonathanmasseur
    10-23-2013 12:05 PM
    Hey there I was curious if u new any good spots for stripper and halibut in monterey
  5. seacrecher
    03-29-2012 08:38 AM
    Hey Robert,
    Who's coming out here (Biloxi) with you? Pennal?

    Got a boat ride for you guys when you get here, pending work sched
    Hollar at me a week or so before you head out here.
  6. Diablo Loco
    08-16-2011 05:10 PM
    Diablo Loco
    Did you get my email? what do you think?
  7. Diablo Loco
    04-24-2009 02:41 PM
    Diablo Loco

    I don't this so. I do not have anyone to go over with and I tore my calf-muscle playing a racquetball tournament this last weekend. I need to let it heal before next weekend at the Ab/Ling Event. I want to go this weekend, but I'd be sitting on my butt most of the time. I wish you guys the best of luck. Make sure you bring a camera to take pictures of the event. Pictures from Bob's iPhone do not count.

  8. Diablo Loco
    03-20-2009 02:47 PM
    Diablo Loco
    Hi Robert.
  9. divingdesigns-2
    02-23-2009 04:38 PM
    It was great to meet you as well. Our plan is to join the club. Talk to you soon.

About Me

  • About Smash
    I have been scuba diving for about 16 years and have been teaching diving for about 6. I began spearfishing years ago but only recently (last 2 years) began freediving. I now hunt almost totally on breath hold diving. I have hunted in Mexico, Cal
    Fresno, CA
    Scuba diving, Camping, and reading
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Monterey Tritons
    Make/Model of Boat
    Bob's Boat
    Home Port
    San Pedro
  • Signature
    Robert Watson

    VP, Monterey Bay Tritons


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-09-2024 09:28 AM
  • Join Date: 11-15-2006


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 11

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