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Alexrom1207 Alexrom1207 is offline

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    04-29-2020 11:02 AM
    Alex, nice picture.

    I can certainly handle the job with great confidence, and maybe do it for you. Is it a single or twin engine? Inboard or I/O? Where is your boat located? Inside or outside? Do you have access to something overhead to lift engine over boat? Noel noelleons@netzero.net
  2. MeTo
    07-21-2015 07:35 AM
    Have pump. Guns solid never serviced, stored barrel down.
  3. MeTo
    08-25-2012 05:36 AM
    I'll be in watch Hill today and tomarrow. Built a 100 midhandle.
  4. MeTo
    08-19-2012 06:33 PM
    Can't upload pictures. Cyrano a year old. I made a midhandle and dont use it. It works fine.
  5. Muzzy
    04-24-2011 07:06 PM
    Just some quick info for you about our clubs. The Mass Freediver's Club is actually made up of more people from Rhode Island than from Mass.

    Take a look around and figure out what is best for you. The RI Club is full of really good, competitive divers, such as Jay Moore, Dave Hochman, John Warnock and John Murphy. They are a great group of guys.

    I'm a member of both the Mass Club and the Tri State (CT) Club. Although these two clubs have some very talented competitive divers, historically we are all about having a great time, getting together, drinkin' some beers and grilling fish.

    The CT club is just starting up and is having their first meeting on the 30th.

    Feel free to contact Kelly Gillette about the CT club (snackrifice) or me about the Mass Club.
  6. Alexrom1207
    11-19-2010 09:23 AM
    I'm not easily offended, no worries.
  7. toptuna
    11-18-2010 05:23 PM
    Sorry for calling your opinion shitty . Hope it did not offend you
  8. tgilchrist01
    10-30-2010 02:42 PM
    Hi Alex,
    You're right about the weather, it's been blowing hard every time I've been down here this fall. I looked at what I believed to be your father's boat a few weeks ago, stopped by on my way to the claming area. We are going to be down less frequently from now on. Maybe we can hook up in the spring.

    Congrats on the Bar. How is the house shaping up.

  9. tgilchrist01
    10-08-2010 10:12 AM
    My wife and I have become interested in trawler's recently. Can we arrange a visit to your fathers boat to begin our undestanding of what is outthere trawler wise?


    I can be reached at 860 796 0110 or 869 559 9077
  10. Alexrom1207
    06-30-2010 04:55 PM
    I went to Quinnipiac Law in CT

About Me

  • About Alexrom1207
    I'd reather be spearfishing.
    Rhode Island
    Boating, Diving, Spearfishing, Reading, Skiing, Traveling
    Make/Model of Boat
    several from big to small
    Home Port
    Snug Harbor, RI
  • Signature
    Whatever you are looking for, you will find it.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-20-2021 05:22 PM
  • Join Date: 03-25-2009


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