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theonetruerat theonetruerat is offline

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  1. theonetruerat
    06-05-2012 09:50 PM
    Yeah.. . Did some freediving the other day and the vis was fantastic. Saw a huge channel cat that let me poke it in the nose and just held it's ground.

    I'm also working on a new gun - but it won't be done in time to shoot with this trip. I'm definitely up for shooting. I might try to take a day during the week while your up but it's hard to say if I can get the time.

    The email that comes to my phone is Ratman_42@yahoo.com - and, of course, the phone number hasn't changed
  2. Topaz
    05-22-2012 12:03 PM
    Hey Bobby, you still alive?? Been diving at all since your winter dive? We are planning on our annual dive trip fro the 16th- 24th week if you want to go let me know. We had a quickie trip last month where I dove a few hundred pounds of air for an equipment check- very poor vis above thermocline- crystal clear below but no fish down there. Mostly we wqorked on the place and surface fished -without much success- enough for one fish fry.
  3. Topaz
    07-13-2011 11:40 AM
    It still is a weekend trip then I have to sleep the whole next week!! I see it is getting even warmer, we went golfing yesterday and had to wear a coat- the pm rain was so cold it felt like it could turn to sleet at dark! I never heard back on the $100 gun so may have to go new.


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  • Last Activity: 06-03-2022 12:37 PM
  • Join Date: 03-17-2009


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