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billder99 billder99 is offline

Good gone Wong

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  1. Teamdiesel
    05-14-2015 06:59 PM
    Hi Bill, Half Moon Bay area has some amazing reefs also but its in our NEMA zone and is mostly offlimits. That area in the southeast is called willoughby bay. It has an amazing reef structure and usually houses Permit, Mutton Snapper, Snook, and Cuberas. A boat is definitely an asset here in Antigua as I had a 16ft Whaler for 3 years and hit some sweet wrecks offshore and inshore. Shot my personal best 50lb Cubera on one of my offshore wrecks in 25ft of water. Lets keep in touch and I will definitely put you on of my favourite spots.
  2. mazfisher
    10-19-2009 03:46 AM
    Hi billder99

    Thanks a lot for your kind words,, we are really trying to push the sport in Mexico that would be the best way to promote the most ecologycal way of use of our marine resources, we still are a very small comunity and the only way to get proper gear for spearfishing hier is through importacion from the USA, and that keeps away from acquire good gear a big porcent of Mexicans that don,t speak basic english.. But in some point the sport will be more avalible for all hier..
    and people will be more friendly towards spearfishing...

    If I ever go to Loreto IŽll be glad to dive with you,, same hier i know some amazing spots in Mazatlan, I do all my diving from kayak because don,t have a boat yet but to get a good panga is not a problem.. So whenever you want to come I can set all the adventure up...

    Dive safe Humberto

About Me

  • About billder99
    Loreto, Baja Sur
    Make/Model of Boat
    Cobra Tourer kayak
  • Signature

    If you allow it to rule you,
    fear is a hard master to uncrown.
    Embrace the discomfort of wanting air,
    it is only fear and weakness leaving your body.
    My poem, by Me (partially stolen from SEAL Team)


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  • Last Activity: 01-25-2024 06:14 AM
  • Join Date: 10-30-2006

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