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Memorials and Condolences for Diver Passings This forum is intended for Rest in Peace Threads where we as a community offer condolences and memorialize those diver who have passed away. Safety, Accidents and Incidents discussion has a separate forum.

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Old 06-07-2016, 09:00 AM   #1
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Sherrills Ford Rescue Diver killed searching for missing swimmer

Hate to hear things like this, but what exactly lead to one dead and 2 injured Rescue divers attempting to recover a missing swimmer in Lake Norman at 50-80 feet?

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Old 06-08-2016, 07:39 AM   #2
Mike Wilborn
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Re: Sherrills Ford Rescue Diver killed searching for missing swimmer

That's awful news. There's a follow up article stating they launched an investigation, but they haven't even speculated as to what happened so far.
They did mention, however, the type of trailer they use to fill their tanks. I imagine that's one of the first things they'll check, as it seems like the most likely cause of a problem that would effect the whole team in the water.

Pray for the family.

Ok, WTF Charlotte? here's a sentence from another article on the site:

"A tractor-trailer hauling bees and yellow jackets was involved in a multi-vehicle accident on northbound I-85 near the weigh station next to the Catawba River."

I know we will ship just about anything in this country, but a trailer full of yellow jackets?
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Old 06-08-2016, 08:59 AM   #3
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Re: Sherrills Ford Rescue Diver killed searching for missing swimmer

Yea, my first speculation bad air, which seems to be the most obvious cause. Either way it's a tough learning experience for all and two families lost loved ones in the water this week. A Charlotte Fire Rescue truck got in an accident responding to the injured divers, as well, so this could have been a whole lot worst. I don't know what a truck full of bees is doing on the road, but somebody got some 'splaining to do!
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